Sunday, April 19, 9:00 am
A Fundraiser by the Fischer Plumbing Cycling Team to support the WSBA Larry Kemp Camp for 10-14 year olds
This year marks the 10th year of the WSBA Larry Kemp Camp. During camp, youth learn cycling safety and the basics of mountain, road, and cyclocross. As of today, the 2015 WSBA Larry Kemp Camp is already 75% sold out. Funds raised on the Larry Kemp Memorial Ride help keep the cost of this extremely popular youth camp very affordable so we can get more kids on bikes.
Ride Details:
Leaves from Leschi Market, 103 Lakeside Avenue, Seattle WA 98122.
Social pace around the south end of Lake Washington and Mercer Island. Faster groups may split off for longer rides.
Tricia Lawrence will be at the ride start to take donations for the WSBA Junior Development Fund and the Larry Kemp Camp. Donations can also be made online following the paypal link at the bottom of this page:
The WSBA (Washington State Bicycle Association) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
All riders are welcome to join this ride! Please come out to support the Larry Kemp Camp and Junior Development in Washington State.
See you out there.